
Saturday Shopping: Sweater Weather

Halloween usually marks the official start of sweater weather in Maryland.  It seems that October is mild and Halloween day brings in the colder temps. I love nothing more than a cozy sweater as the weather cools off. Especially paired with skinny jeans or leggings.

Here are some sweaters I'm loving this season:

This one would be great for pregnant girls too!

Are you a sweater person? 



  1. Love this selection! I tried on a VV tan sweater similar to the jcrew factory one - I'll have to check that one out bc I love the VV one. I tried on this one last week too and it is great post baby http://m.anthropologie.com/mobile/catalog/productdetail.jsp?id=4114265408220&catId=CLOTHES-SWEATERS

  2. Love the pockets on some of these sweaters, such cute and functional too!

  3. I am a sucker for anything marled! Totally going to go try that one on!


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